Project | Thumbnail | Summary | Updated | Links | Tags |
---|---|---|---|---|---| | Meta. | 2023-10-24 |
gitlab Recursion... |
HTML, CSS, PHP, Self-Host, Apache, Nginx, Debian, Ubuntu, Docker, Docker-Compose, Let's Encrypt, Certbot, BitWarden, Vaultwarden, NextCloud, Collabora, |
gps_clock | GPS-synchronised clock that displays time in UNIX Epoch or ISO-8601 format. | 2021-10-29 |
gitlab hackaday core-electronics |
Clock, GPS, NMEA, ISO-8601, epoch, UNIX Time, 7-seg, led, MAX-7219, AVR, Atmel, ATmega328p, ds3234, RTC, C, KiCAD, Wood, Year 2038 problem | |
grinder_timer | Programmable timer to control a dumb coffee grinder. | 2021-10-29 |
gitlab hackaday core-electronics |
Coffee, Timer, OLED, SSD1306, AVR, Atmel, ATmega328p, Microcontroller, C, KiCAD, PCB Etching, Rancilio Rocky | |
grinder_timer_rev2 | An upgrade to the original grinder_timer. | 2021-10-29 |
gitlab |
Coffee, Timer, OLED, SH1106, AVR, ATmega328pb, Microcontroller, Mains Switch Relay, C++, KiCAD, PCB Fabrication, JLCPCB, Rancilio Rocky, PWM, 32.738kHz, PlatformIO | |
jank | A backlit usb numerical keypad to keep my laptop company. Includes four macro keys. | 2021-10-29 |
gitlab hackaday |
AVR, ATmega32U4, Microcontroller, USB, HID, Keyboard, Macro, Key Matrix, Gateron, Cherry MX, mechanical, MP3202, LED Driver, PWM | |
led_matrix | LED matrix that has a clock mode and a text mode. My first microcontroller project. | 2021-10-29 | AVR, ATmega8535, Microcontroller, LED, Matrix, Multiplexing, 74HC138 | ||
macr0 | 4-button USB input device. | 2021-10-29 |
gitlab hackaday |
AVR, ATmega32U4, Microcontroller, USB, HID, Keyboard, Macro, Media Controller, Key Matrix, Gateron, Cherry MX, |
media_center | Home media center running OSMC on a Raspberry Pi in a wood and aluminium enclosure. | 2020-10-29 | core-electronics | Raspberry Pi 3, OSMC, kodi, Wood | |
ncbu | Docker container image to simplify and automate backup of a self-hosted nextcloud service. | 2021-10-29 |
gitlab Docker Hub |
Docker, Docker-Compose, DockerHub, Dockerfile, Nextcloud, Self-Host, Container, rsync, bash, shell script, MariaDB, MySQL, Cron, logrotate, tee | |
p0wer | Simple rf mains remote switches hacked to add wifi control. | 2021-10-29 |
gitlab core-electronics |
Raspberry Pi Zero W, |
rad10 | An internet radio on a raspberry pi with a simple hardware control daemon (and WebUI). | 2021-10-29 |
gitlab core-electronics |
Quadrature Encoder, Raspberry Pi, |
scripts | Various bash shell scripts. | 2023-08-25 | gitlab | Bash, Shell, Script, Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, Raspbian, Termux, echo, rsync, curl, apt-get, ssh, openvpn, ping, grep, lscpu, lspci, lsblk, df, uname, lsb_release, route, netstat, nmcli, ifconfig, ip, iw, iwgetid, command, printf, |
temp0 | Temperature and humidity monitor with WiFi and local readout. | 2021-10-29 |
gitlab |
Arduino, Pro-Trinket, Adafruit, HackADay, ESP8266, ESP-01, HDC1080, SSD1306, OLED, PlatformIO, C++, HTML, cURL, Serial, I2C | |
volcon | HID compliant USB volume controller from a VCR head drum and an optical encoder. | 2021-10-29 |
gitlab hackaday core-electronics |
AVR, Atmel, |
wiggl3r | Occasionaly wiggle the mouse cursor so your PC doesn't automatically lock. | 2023-08-01 |
gitlab |
Arduino, Leonardo, AVR, Atmel, ATmega32U4, USB, HID, C, Mouse, PlatformIO | |
WiSHABI | WIreless Single-Handed Accelerometer-Based Interface. (Under-Grad thesis project). | 2021-10-29 |
AVR, Atmel, ATmega8, 433.92MHz, Wireless, USB, HID, C, Keyboard, Mouse, Accelerometer, ADXL330, University, Engineering | |
Wood | Stuff made from wood. | 2023-10-24 | Wood, Timber, Lumber, Cellulose, Former Tree, Hard Paper, Pre-Cardboard | ||
clewsy_ansible | Using Ansible to automate deployment, configuration and maintenance of the machines/devices on my home network. | 2021-10-29 |
gitlab |
alias, android, Ansible, Apache, apt, bash, Beaglebone Black, chmod, chown, cifs, Conky, cron, cups curl, Debian, Docker, docker-compose, fstab, git, GitLab, Gnome, Guake, Home Assistant, htop, iftop, iperf3, LineageOS, Linux, lm-sensors, logrotate, midnight commander, motd, motion, motioneye, mount, mpc, mpd, Nautilus, ncdu, ncmpc, netdiscover, nfs, nmap, |
| | A site for experimenting. | 2021-06-24 |
gitlab |
HTML, CSS, PHP, Self-Host, Docker, Nginx, Inkscape, SVG | | | Another site, this one for non-critical but useful services. Currently not in use. | 2023-08-25 |
gitlab |
HTML, CSS, Ansible, Self-Host, Docker, Inkscape, SVG, SWAG, Authelia | | | Yet another site, this one for sharing photos and videos. | 2021-10-29 |
gitlab |
HTML, CSS, Self-Host, Docker, Nginx, Inkscape, SVG, Jornal | |
Contributions | Pull requests merged into other people's projects. I <3 open source. | 2021-10-29 |
nextcloud-cronjob addon-motioney |
Docker, dockerfile, git, GitHub, Home Assistant, motion, motioneye, Pull Request |